Different types of sectors where CDN is used

Fast internet plays a very important role if you run a website this can help you to hold your visitor if you deliver the fastest content to the customer as per their need. Everyone who runs the website knows the importance of content delivery network. It is almost a backbone of internet service.

CDN plays a very important role in your daily life, no matter what type of website or content you are searching, CDN is responsible for the delivery of that content to your mobile and PC. Content delivery network is designed to solve the problem of latency and enhance the experience of web browsing. INXY hosting services provide you the CDN service if you are looking for a service provider then you should contact them.

How it works

This CDN network work as per the geographical condition this network get linked with the fastest and closet server that are available near you and help you to provide better performance and speed. In this network, service provider place the content of cached version in many different locations and these cached servers help the user to get better experience of web browsing.

Sectors that use CDN network

 Mobile – now days mobile become new PC many people use their phone’s in order to use internet and introduction of high speed internet by telecom companies further enhance the use of CDN service. Now days many company placed CDN that are mobile optimized.

E-commerce – introduction of these websites enhance then use and importance of CDN more as in order to maintain the smooth and high speed functioning between them and their customers they used the service of content delivery network.

Video streaming – around 14-15 millions of videos are viewed on different websites. In order to maintain the smooth functioning of video streaming CDN help the user by reducing the latency.
