How Passionate People Contribute to Company Success

Some think of ‘passion’ as an overused and cliché-ridden word that only startups and small businesses nurture. It’s often perceived as something surreal and too ideal. The sad truth about businesses nowadays is that many put up their own firm solely to make money. That is the reason it’s necessary to cultivate loyalty and passion. Passion keeps people in their roles; it helps them see the company the way the founder sees it. While this word can be a cliché, its results are not.

What people fail to understand about passion is that it’s not automatic. Some say that passion should simply flow. Some clearly have it from the moment they learn how to invent and develop things; for others, it is something that slowly develops over time. The crux of the matter is passion can be caught and nutured. Passionate people and company success are directly proportional. One strengthens the other and the other motivates it.

Passion and Company Success

Skill and experience are two of the most vital traits to look for in an employee. Without a doubt, intelligent and knowledgeable individuals make a difference in companies. That is why recruitment works double time in conducting a series of tests and interviews in order to determine which people are right for specific teams and positions. However, there is another trait that recruiters should consider when hiring a talent, and that is passion. Passion is a hidden resolve that radiates without permission.

Passionate people who might lack the skill or experience can still contribute to the company’s success. How? Well, passion motivates the individual to work harder, longer and better. He or she may not have the right qualifications at the moment or possess the perfect credentials,but with the right mentorship and coaching, this amateur worker can be your ace player in the long run. A recruiter shouldn’t pass on giving opportunities to people who exude so much zeal and interest.

Finding Passionate People

Today, there are many ways to retrieve applicant information. There is the referral, the job ad, online recruitment, and others. However, the catch is how would you know you’re hiring a talented and passionate individual? Talent and skill are evident in his or her hiring exam or interview. But what about passion? Well, you need to go beyond just asking about a talent’s work experience and qualifications. Ask something situational, such as responding to pressure or collaboration processes.

You could also ask about a particular experience that needed a solution. Ask the candidate how he or she arrived at asolution and how the solution benefitted the company. A regular resume search would normally produce a set of potential workers that is based on their skills. If you want to make the most of your database, do a random check on people who strike you differently. Give them a call and ask situational questions. Create a scenario and observe how they answer. This will give you options.

Leading Passionate People

Once you’ve got a few passionate people on board, it’s time to harness and hone their gift. Fact is, every employee has that euphoria for the first year or two with the company. The challenge is always in keeping these people engaged and passionate about their jobs. You might have a good HR system, but it’s not just about company activities or events. Most of the time, it’s about the manager or the leader. How do you keep your staff involved? How do you mentor or coach your employees?

One way is through communicating well. Spend some time with your team and learn about their specific roles. You could also schedule occasional one-on-one coaching sessions to ensure they understand their work. Another is conducting team meetings and training sessions, which will provide them a professional venue to air their concerns, questions or suggestions. There are many ways to keep the fire burning in a corporate setting; you just need to be intentional and sincere about it.

Being a Passionate Worker

Don’t ever think that CEOs or managers never lose their zeal about their company. Some really do, especially those who pioneered the creative direction of a product or a service. Every person has his or her own strength. Not everyone is good with leading people, developing products or talking to investors. That’s the beauty of having your own company – you get to bring diverse people into your boat. The challenge is passing on the core vision and mission that your company first based itself off.

The talent management system has a huge role to play in inciting passionate employees. Before you attract passionate people, you need to be one yourself. You’re also in the position to hire managers that can encourage workers to feel fervently about work. Motivation is important when you’re in a managerial position. Some are naturally passionate, while others catch it. The key is in building a passionate company culture so that employees will be able to adopt it.

 Passion as the Foundation

A passionate person does his or her best regardless of the current position. Passion is the foundation for your success. Passion can be enough to set you apart from a talent pool you came from. You could have been chosen because of the matchless determination you displayed. Sometimes, that is enough. Attitude isn’t absolutely everything in a corporate job, but it sure does take you places. Passion is that resolve rising within you. It’s what pushes you, fuels your enthusiasm and brings you hope.

It is impossible to not notice a passionate person. A headhunter or a manager will surely notice the way you speak or how you do your job. Passionate people are not clock watchers or those who simply wait for breaks or for their shifts to end. For talent seekers out there, go for people who know their job well and do it without complaint. The success of a person’s career as well as a company’s growth lies in the hands of those who let passion flow through them.
